Chichen Itza meets ~Aries Celestial Designs ~

Just as I promised folks, it’s time to explain that last post. Why would I go through the trouble of reposting all of that information about something so seemingly unrelated to me and my stores you wonder? Well, that project I’ve been hinting at lately was in direct relation. Those costumes pictured above (worn by two of the hardest working people I know in SL) are my creation.
Some time in mid April I was contacted by Valiant Strangelove about the possibility of doing a new Mayan collection exclusively for an up and coming project created to boost the awareness of the Chichen Itza and inspire people to vote it into history as one of the new seven wonders of the world. I admit it, at that point in time I was a little bit like, “uh der, what who now?” But still, right from the start it felt right to me… like it was something I had to do.
Almost 2 months later, and a whole lot richer in my Mayan history knowledge, the sim made its official Secondlife debut today, and everywhere I looked were people wearing my creations. (the costumes are given as a thank you for voting at one of the many kiosks around the sim).
Biased by my involvement in the project or not, this is an amazing build. There is a beautifully scripted butterfly that gives a brilliant and educational tour of the sim, complete with a professional voice over and WOOT!!! mention of little ol’ me right at the end.
So make sure you swing by the Visit Mexico sim to vote; even if being part of selecting history doesn’t inspire you, the gift packages are well worth the trip. I worked my butt off on this one, pulling out all the stops to create some very unique items. As far as I know, the sarapes are entirely new to SL, and the jewellery for both the male and female costumes is utterly amazing. Yes, I am just that modest, hehe.
All in all, this has been an amazing experience for me, and I am greatly appreciative of having been given this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Visit Mexico!!!!

Ok, so the following post doesn`t even mention Aries Bricklin, or ~Aries Celestial Designs~, so why exactly is it under the Press tag? Hehe, I promise to explain that in the very next post dear reader.

Original Post:

Destination Bedrock

I’d like to take a moment to talk about my favourite place in SL; Bedrock. Ok, perhaps I am just a little biased, as that Bedrock has been my home since pretty much the beginning, but regardless of that fact, I do believe it is a place that every single person in SL should visit at some point in their second life.
There are some pretty amazing builds all across the grid, but for those of us who grew up with the Flintstones, which is most of us, it is definitely like stepping back into our youth. There is really no other place in Secondlife I have found that gives me that same feeling.
Now let me give you the written tour as best as I can, but if you really want to experience the land, Tigey Honey is the man to see.
The landing point drops you just outside the yards of the Flintstone and Rubble houses where amongst the first things you’ll notice is a cut out of Fred Flintstone, and a green space ship. I strongly suggest two things if you want to get the utmost out of your visit; firstly, touch ol’ Fred there and get the note he passes out… included is a link to my store by the shore, and a map of the land layout which will prove very helpful as that Bedrock is rather big, with a lot to see and do. Second, I suggest you jump in Gazoo’s ship and take the official tour. This will give you some of the highlights along with commentary, plus it’s just plain fun.
Once the tour ends and you jump down out of the ship, please be sure to vote. A lot of work has gone into this sim, so it’s always nice to show your appreciation.
Now the tour by foot; I have long been in love with the dance pavilion in Bedrock. I have a habit of setting the sun to midnight to fully enjoy the light show whenever I dance there. Looks can be a little deceiving, as anyone who’s spent any amount of time searching for the many hidden areas in Bedrock will tell you, and there is more to this dance area than first meets the eye. I’m not going to tell you though, dear readers, how to find the entrance to the submerged dance floor… half the fun is in the seeking.
Next up we have the quarry office… home to the infamous Mr. Slate,
and next the quarry where Fred and Barney labour the day away before heading off for some fun and relaxation.
Be sure to take a ride on the Ferris wheel while
you’re in town; it makes for a very romantic stop for any couple. Plus, it’s dino-powered!! How cool is that?
Now, I haven’t played in awhile, too busy, busy, busy, but there are few things in SL funner then a round of golf at Bedrocks mini-golf course. Given, it seems pretty tough at first, but trust me, give yourself at least three holes to get a hang of things, and the next thing you know you’ll be the stone age version of Tiger Woods. Of course, that still wont help you beat me :P.
Just around the corner you’ll find the boutique wherein you will find some of the character AVs and some Bedrock style clothing to make your stay all the more enjoyable. That big building in the center you ask? Why, that’s the bowling alley, and up top is the future office of the Daily Slate.
Next up we have the Bedrock Fire Hall… home of the cutest elephant in all of SL. Our Fire Chief, Elly watches over things and keeps us safe from the inevitable volcano eruptions and various other emergency’s that arise from time to time.
Just across the road you’ll find the police station and kitty corner is the Water Buffalo Lodge.
(side note: just inside the reception area of the police station you’ll find a slew of wanted posters featuring the faces of some of SL’s most famous)
Now these are just a few of the highlights, words can not truly express how cool this sim is. There is a mud spa, a drive in movie theatre that plays free movies, so many hidden areas I really honestly couldn’t even tell you how many there are anymore, and a ton of interactive features.
Bedrock is as much a part of my Second Life as is ~Aries Celestial Designs~, the land is amazing, the company is unbeatable, and I am honoured to be a part of it.

As The World Turns

(taken from
I admit it; sometimes I am far too easy to excite. Regardless, Amelia Book has to be my new favourite SL’er for her short yet sweet review of one of the new rings.

~Aries Celestial Designs~ Surprise Relocation

Funny how some things can happen entirely out of the blue. Like, for example, I have been warring with the idea of purchasing new land in a faster sim for months now because of the extreme lag I’ve been experiencing in Crumbi. However, after a few days at a time of deliberation, for some reason in the end I just ended buy a new chunk of land in the same lag prone sim and tacking it on to my existing prim count. I kid you not, I started out with 768 there back in November, and own 3072 there currently, all bought a little postage stamp at a time.
I guess the biggest reason I hesitated so long was due to, in part anyways, the fact that I am always busy. Between seeking out and making new textures, banging away in Gimp, building new merchandise for ~Aries Celestial Designs~, helping my nearest and dearest around Bedrock, and this last month where a little ‘extra’ project needed special attention (and a whole lot of it) I pretty much run the clock ragged. I really didn’t want to take the time to shop for new land, build a new store, redo all of my landmarks, and set things up. And I suppose a part of my hesitation came from the fact that Crumbi was my first store, and despite the horrid (oh god it’d murder) lag, it’s been good to me.
The day before yesterday, however, was the final straw. I just stopped in to pick up a copy of something, and the lag was so atrocious I guess I snapped, because ten minutes after leaving my store, I found myself standing in the middle of a nicely sized lot in a class five sim. My partner and I debated the pros and cons of the matter for some time and the next thing we knew, BAM, plans began for a brand new store in a brand new sim.
Now, I did figure it would take me a lot more time to prepare everything, but as my partner likes to point out from time to time, I’m quite prolific when I get my mind set to something. Last night, after a little more then 24 hours since buying the new land, I had everything sufficiently in place and officially opened the store to business. So happy was I knowing that I was escaping the lag that had been making me nuts for months now, that I decided to put on a sale to celebrate. For one week, and one week only, everything in the new store is marked down to $100 L or less. It’s a pretty good deal all around, but in some cases it’s just a stupid good discount. Everything I sell was included at the sale prices, but I did take the bundle packs and combo packs out for the duration of the event... and one other thing; normally everything I sell is modify, transfer, no copy… for this event, things are set to modify, no transfer, copy. If you’re shopping for a gift for someone, fear not, the same items are still available with normal perms in my Bedrock store, and for the time being, at the Crumbi location, however, they’re full price. Sorry folks.

The evolution: this is the first time I’ve even looked at this original shot in months, and if it wasn’t labelled every so nicely, I’d never have even recognized it since the entire sim has changed so drastically since this was taken.

When the land in Crumbi first became ~Aries Celestial Designs~, it was little more then a handful of vendors… and due to having very little in the way of prims, we skimped a lot on the building itself as you can plainly see. Hehe

Almost current Crumbi

And BAM!! My new baby.

Ok, I’m done being nostalgic.