Grand Reopening... Again

Ok, I build too much and too often. I'm aware of this always, but never so much is on the days when I am finally forced to up my tier, and buy new land. A day such as this has just passed.

I have remodeled the entire store. Well, not really so much remodeled as entirely rebuilt. It is now a 3 storey structure, making it a full storey higher then the last store. Though it is a lot larger then the last store, it feels a world more comfortable to me. More peaceful.
On top of that, the entire layout has been redesigned to hopefully make shopping easier, less overwelming.

To celebrate this change, everything in the store is 50% off. I have yet to decide just how long this generousity will last, but we shall indeed see.

And that's it dear friends, stick a fork in me, I'm done. I hope you enjoy the new layout as much as I do. Happy shopping:).

Introducing ~Beyond A.C.D.~

Since the beginning of my Sl building career, I have been obsessed with the little things. I don't just mean that I pay excessive attention to my builds, I mean that I obsessively build little things. There is just something about the torture and manipulation of those little prims that no giant building, or (pfft) sculptie could ever give me. However, this does not mean that I don't enjoy building other things from time to time. Quite the contrary...when I have need or reason to build things other then jewellery, shoes and clothing, I find I very much enjoy it.
~Beyond A.C.D.~ is just a little store add on to allow me to share some of that other fun with you guys. This is the place you'll find the other odds and ends that take up my Sl time.

At the moment, there are only 8 items in this section, but I assure you, the stock will remain small only for a short period of time. In fact, if my attentions weren't so otherwise driven right now, I have a handful of other items that would have already made it into boxes. Until I get to that point though, dear friends, I'm afraid you'll just have to make do with whats here.

This dance cage was inspired by a friend. 2 friends more acurately. They both have an obsession with jumping on every available dance pole they come across, and have long made mention of wanting their own. So I had a little free time one day, and this was the result. I seem to have a problem with simple. Nothing I ever attempt manages to come out very simplified. This item is further proof of this sickness. Sure, there is a dance pole in the center of it. But the surrounding cage can be lifted up or down. The lights can be turned on or off, and the colors can be changed at will. It's actually a little hypnotic to watch yourself dancing (I admit with a bit of a blush), as I found out one night. The only thing about this item that doesn't entirely please me, is that I have seen some great pole animations out there, but try as I might to find some with resell permissions, or even hire my own animator for the job, I was unsuccesful. Fear not!!! For it's fully modible. If you're a serious pole dancer, you can just drop your own fave animations into it and viola! away you go.

The Arbutus Rose Rocker is my fave!!! Arbutus is an interesting hard wood that's found on an island where I spent a great part of my childhood in western Canada. It's utterly beautiful. The chair is crawling with vines and roses, giving it a cool kind of rustic look. It rocks; just a nice gentle motion. And it comes with a great couples cuddle.

The Starlit Hottub I built with a purpose. I have long had this gaudy looking hottub on my property, why I kept it out, I'm not entirely sure, other then that I always meant to get around to building my own. Finally, I did just this. It was my first real attempt at playing with heavy scripts.. which, btw, I'm on all too fond of doing because it makes my brain ache. However, what came out of the experiment was this amazingly awesome textured piece of outdoor furniture, complete with properly set poses. Over 2 dozen of them. They're built into the base, so no pose balls to deal with, but feel free to add your own should you prefer.

The hottub felt a little lonely up on my garden roof... I felt it needed a little company. That's how the swing came to be. Didn't know at the begining that I'd end up loving it so much, but what is life if not shocking? Other then the fluid swing motion (which you can start or stop to your own desire), I added in some great pose balls, including the popular 3 person snuggle. It's not only pretty to look at, but no one needs feel left out:P.

The bamboo shots were inspired by my sister. You see, one day she was out shopping and came home with a set of them. One for me, one for her. Tis meant to be great luck to have one in your home, and better luck if you give one away (which is why these are sold in sets of two; one for you, one for a friend).

The next day, she was out shopping again (her poor husband's wallet:P) and she lost her purse. Inside her purse was more then credit cards and I.D.. She had their passports in it (2 adults, 2 small children). She had her cash, but not reallyl a big enough portion to matter that much. What was most unsettling at the loss, was that she also had almost $20, 000 in gold and jewellery in it. I know, maddness right? Well, they travel a lot, and were currently in the midst of a flux, she was only holding on to it until putting it into a safe, but just hadn't quite gotten to that point yet.

Anyways, she lost it all and as you can well imagine, was entirely disfunctional when she called to tell me what had happened. To make this long story a little shorter, let me say that we are in a large city. The area where she lost it is well known for it's poverty, and the thought of her ever getting her purse back was pretty much a joke, to my way of thinking. However, after less then 45 minutes of her having a total meltdown, while she was giving her statement to a police officer, a call came in from the cop shop that a purse matching her description had just been turned in. Lo and behold, it was hers. Not a thing was missing.

So maybe there is still some good left in the world... and maybe the bamboo she'd brought home the day before had given her a little extra luck, but from that point on I think we both started looking at the lucky bamboo shoots with a little extra superstition. I now own a horde of them, as does she... most of mine were gifts from her, lol so since I never spent much on them, I guess that makes me lucky already.

Truly good luck or not, these are just cute as hell and look great around your abode. I made the pots touch/color change so that you can set them to match your decor, and I made them in 4 different options because, truthfully, I had a few tables needing adornment in my place and that's just how many came to be in the end.

~The Shapes 2 Collection~

Original Release Date: June 10, 2008

The release date on this one could be a little off, as that it's availability coincides with a HUGE (soon to be announced) event here at ~Aries Celestial Designs~. But let's just say, for the sake of argument, that I get things all finished up according to my personal time schedule. If this is the case, then the first day these shapes are available to the public will indeed be, June 10, 2008.
At any rate, voila!!! 20 new shapes for your shopping pleasure. Ten male, ten female. Once again, please note that the sale is for the shapes only!!!
Being as that I am a sales junkie myself, and that I can't seem to go five minutes without browsing through pages on the SL Exchange website, I have managed to obtain disgusting amounts of goodies. Many of these goodies, I have purchased for the soul purpose of making them available to you, my wonderful costumers. That said, I have put together boxes of these goodies; 1 male box, 1 female box, and have included them along with these new shapes. Both boxes contain a handful of hair, skins, eyes, clothing, and I'm sure the odd other thing here and there. Do with them as you wish; share them, wear them, toss them, it's entirely up to you, but I do hope you enjoy them. The skins, eyes and hair used in the photos for these shapes, are NOT included in the box, except for in a few cases where these items just so happened to be mine to freely redistribute.

Now that we got that out of the way, let me break this down for you a little (as best I can), in case you wish to acquire the exact look on the box.

(The Vampire; Eyes: Dragonfly Red Demon, Skin: SYD-Male Goth Skin, Hair: Zyrraphotic Hair-Mohawk Freebie. Brat Oracle-black.)
(The Deep Thinker; Eyes: Dragonfly Dark Brown, Skin: (LfO) Dark Tan-Emo Kid, Hair: Dirty Biker Flexi Hair, ***This Hair Found In Male Goodies Box***)
(The Surfer Boy; Eyes: Dragonfly Baby Blue, Skin: Skin 010-c, Hair: Electric-Goldenbrown)
(The Skater Boy; Eyes: Dragonfly Ocean Blue, Skin: (LfO) Light Tan-Emo Kid, Hair: Beanie (beached))
(The Punk; Eyes: Dragonfly Grey, Skin: (LfO) Pale Skin-Emo Kid, Hair: Punk (platinum-Red))
(The Mr. Right; Eyes: Dragonfly Sand Brown, Skin: Photorealistic Steve Skin, Hair: none, ***This Skin Found In Male Goodies Box***)
(The Marine; Eyes: Dragonfly Dark Brown, Skin: Michael Photorealistic Skin, Hair: none, ***This Skin Found In Male Goodies Box***)
(The Football Star; Eyes: Dragonfly Tropical Paridise, Skin: Alex Skin, Hair: none, ***This Skin Found In Male Goodies Box***)
(The Boy Nextdoor; Eyes: Dragonfly Steel Grey, Skin: Skin 010-B, Hair: Red Ruffles (tinted black), ***This Hair Found In Male Goodies Box***)
(The Bouncer; Eyes: Dragonfly Emerald Green, Skin: Unknown Male Caramel Vandyke, Hair: Braids (Cocoa))
(The Wild One; Eyes: Dragonfly Dark Brown, Skin: [ND]Haley Drama Skin(4)Night, Hair: Calico Tesha-Flaming Midnight)
(The Temptress; Eyes: Dragonfly Tropical Paridise, Skin: Tuli 55 tan~diva 3, Hair: Calico Ember-Dirty Blonde)
(The Succubus; Eyes: Dragonfly Red Demon, Skin: Fantasy Tattoo Skin Tattoo Eyes Dripping, Hair: Calico Trinity-Dark Brown (tinted red))
(The Petite Lass; Eyes: Dragonfly Auburn, Skin: Another Skin-(CfO), Hair: Calico Sarah II-Dark Brown)
(The Party Girl; Eyes: Dragonfly Steel Grey, Skin: Another Skin-(RfO), Hair: Calico Raven-Obsidian Dirty Blonde)
(The Maiden; Eyes: Dragonfly Dark Brown, Skin: Another Skin-(FfO), Hair: Calico Amy-Dark Brown)
(The Innocent Beauty; Eyes: Dragonfly Sea Blue, Skin: Another Skin-(LfO), Hair: Panache Hair *Whitelies*Candie Vonta*Hair Coppertone Auburn)
(The Geisha; Eyes: Dragonfly Dark Pink, Skin: Glam- Pink Make-up, Hair: Calico Kimiko-Sterling Midnight (tinted purple))
(The Belle; Eyes: Dragonfly Mohogany, Skin: Another Skin-(SfO), Hair: **WigOut~Bryce-Shagged (F)**-Spellbound)

(The Athlete; Eyes: Dragonfly Starry Green, Skin: (CS) Vogue Skin-Cashmere (Brown-Smoky) Freckled, Hair: Calico Sarah-Dirty Blonde)

You'll note that all eyes used in these photos are from Dragonfly... there's an easy explanation for that; Their eyes are the best, I love them and own them all. Visit: DFO Shopping,DragonFly Designs,T, DragonFly Oasis (127, 113, 73)

You'll note that nearly all female hair is from Calico. Again, there is an easy explanation; Their hair is the best and I own a ton of it. Visit: Calico Creations Main Shop, Calico Kitty (124, 70, 35)

Many of the skins and hairs used in these photos came from Gnubies Store. Visit: Powder Mill (121, 142, 34)

And finally, you'll note that there is a little star over the bits and pieces on every male photo, while the female photos all get to go bare. Simple again; the goofy prim penises make me laugh, and the body without them reminds me of a creepy Ken doll. So sorry boys, its a B.Y.O.P. (Bring your own penis) event.

~Freebie Updates~

It's been awhile in the coming, but I've finally gotten around to doing a little work with the free goodies I provide in store. What work have I done exactly? Well hey, I'm glad you asked.
A) The gold and silver Tantari bracelets have been updated.

B) The mens and womens Tantari rings have been updated.

C) The Onyx & Spade necklace has been updated.

D) The ~Aries Celestial Designs~ T-Shirt has been updated.

E) A new choker has been added.

F) For the Osato store only!!! ~A.C.D.~ Roller Skates for men and women have been added. (These so rock, I haven't taken them off since I finished them)

Drop by and pick up yours today!