~A.C.D.~Random News

Ok guys, it's been really chaotic around the store the past few days, what with the hunt ongoing and whatnot, and there are a few things I should mention here.
First, most of you know that I've been hosting a Countdown To Christmas Daily Special since the first, but I have neglected to make any mention of it here. I'm sorry guys...just not always enough time in an Sl day for me to get to everything. I shall try to be better about that.
Today's (December 6) special is actually going to run for a few days, even if I wake up tomorrow and decide to do another special along side it... My first collection, ~The Birthstone Collection~ (http://ariescelestialdesigns.blogspot.com/2007/05/birthstone-collection.html) can now be purchased for a mere $ 50 L a set. This is because I am intending on removing it from game. It was the collection that began it all for ~A.C.D.~, and it has more then served me well, but I feel that it's time to put it to rest. Make sure you swing by and pick up a set for yourself, or take advantage of it as a great xmas bargain and pick up sets for your friends and family.
I also want to mention that if you have ~A.C.D.~ in your picks, make sure and message me when you're in store... direct my attention to it, and you will recieve a free gift from me.
I am currently interested in teaming up with up with and coming skin and hair creators... If you know of some new talents (especially those not getting their just credits for their talent) in game that might be interested in a conjoined project, please let me know.
And the final matter of buisness for the day is that I would like to welcome all of the new members to the group...I definately want to celebrate all the buzz currently about ~A.C.D.~ so be looking forward to an extra special xmas gift from me in the comming week.

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