Second Life Sightseer Rocks!!!

Imagine my giddiness at returning from my vacation to find this waiting for me!!! I was seriously tickled.
When I read down to the comments about the pink sweethearts silks, I actually chuckled outloud; god how I hate pink, but my more comanding partner (my six year old daughter who is more my boss then my partner I think) demands on a certain amount of pink added to my builds with such insistence that it is indeed a must.
All in all, this was the greatest honor I've recieved in my SL buisness life, it was a great article... yes, I am biased, but it was awesome nonetheless.

Jewelry: Aries Celestial Designs - Heart Birthstone Set
Hair: Sinsation - Carlie II Chocolate
Skin: Naughty - Alina Eye Shadow Smokey, Red Lipstick

Posted by Morgana Fillion at 2:38 PM

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