Oops, nearly forgot...

I forgot to mention that despite being as busy as I am right now, I took the time to do up a fun little freebie ring for y'all to celebrate the coming of the new year. Swing by the store to pick up your copy of this 2009 Celbration Ring... complete with texture change abilities built right in.

A.C.D. on the Sl Homepage...

By now, dear readers, surely you know what I a glutton for media mention I can occasionally (or always) be. But, imagine my extreme elation when a good friend directed me to the new SL hompage, only to find that one of my costumes had made the cut!

I count the original Mayan costumes that I created for the Visit Mexico sim amongst my greatest achievments to date in SL, so I am extremely pleased see it here in the glorious spotlight.

Taking a mixture of this great honor into account, and combined with the fact that the really real world is going to be incredibly busy for me over the next month and a half or so, I have decided to place EVERYTHING in the entire store on sale for you, my dear customers. I will be placing EVERYTHING to a staggering 50% off. Don't forget... to recieve the discount, you'll need to purcase your item(s) from the vendors provided around the store. Unfortunately, I will not be around so much over the next few weeks, so whereas I would normally have no problem doing refunds should you purchase from the sales boxes by mistake, this time around I will sadly have to say zero refunds. I do appoligize for that, but it is unavoidable at this time.

Though I will be trying to check in at least a couple of times a day when possible over the next few weeks, If for any reason you should encounter problems of any kind with your new purchases, or even with making said purchases, and I am not around and you don't want to wait for me to be around (hehe) please contact Tigey Honey... he will be able to help you with most issues.

That being said, Happy New years!!!! I have some amazing projects planned (some already begun) for you in 2009, and once again, thank you for being the greatest, most loyal bunch of customers a girl could hope for.

Countdown to Christmas Continues...

G'day fine people! For today's special, I've placed everything from the ~Beyond A.C.D.~ section of the store on a 50% discount. http://ariescelestialdesigns.blogspot.com/2008/06/introducing-beyond-acd.html

Also, in the spirit of the season, I've come to the conclusion that we all need a bit of a break from the heavy expenses both in RL and in SL.... with that in mind, I've placed my original silks collection, brilliantly titled ~The Silks Collection~ (hehe) on a permanent discount. You can now pick up any of 17 sets for a mere $25 L each. http://ariescelestialdesigns.blogspot.com/2007/05/silks-collection.html (please note: I have removed the fullset package of these silks.

Until next time folks, happy shopping:).

Seasons Greetings...

Running behind schedule yet again...just a couple quick notes for y'all.
Firstly, I created a cute little Christmas costume for all of my beloved group members. It was sent out to group this past Saturday.

This ensemble comes complete with all the fixings; boots, hand muff, ear muffs, tiny jingle bell necklace (the emits soft bell sounds with movement), jacket, flex skirt and belt.

Though this costume was created with group members in mind, and sent out to group members free of charge, in the end I did decide to put this costume up for sale in the store for a mere $199 L.

Second bit of info today is about the Countdown to Christmas special. Today's deal is 50 % off anything from ~The Watchers Collection~. http://ariescelestialdesigns.blogspot.com/2008/05/watchers-collection.html

More Random News...

Just a couple quick points to mention today folks...

~The Birthstone Collection~ has disapeared into the vaults (sniff), and it's time to move on. Today's Countdown to Christmas special is a 50% discount on the entire ~Atlantis 1 Collection~. http://ariescelestialdesigns.blogspot.com/2007/05/atlantis-i-collection.html

The Feature of the Week also changed today... come pick up your Cross Piercing fullset for only $ 500L while it's on special!

The final note today... group members, be sure and keep your eyes open saturday for a special christmas gift from me.

Until next time, happy shopping:)

~A.C.D.~Random News

Ok guys, it's been really chaotic around the store the past few days, what with the hunt ongoing and whatnot, and there are a few things I should mention here.
First, most of you know that I've been hosting a Countdown To Christmas Daily Special since the first, but I have neglected to make any mention of it here. I'm sorry guys...just not always enough time in an Sl day for me to get to everything. I shall try to be better about that.
Today's (December 6) special is actually going to run for a few days, even if I wake up tomorrow and decide to do another special along side it... My first collection, ~The Birthstone Collection~ (http://ariescelestialdesigns.blogspot.com/2007/05/birthstone-collection.html) can now be purchased for a mere $ 50 L a set. This is because I am intending on removing it from game. It was the collection that began it all for ~A.C.D.~, and it has more then served me well, but I feel that it's time to put it to rest. Make sure you swing by and pick up a set for yourself, or take advantage of it as a great xmas bargain and pick up sets for your friends and family.
I also want to mention that if you have ~A.C.D.~ in your picks, make sure and message me when you're in store... direct my attention to it, and you will recieve a free gift from me.
I am currently interested in teaming up with up with and coming skin and hair creators... If you know of some new talents (especially those not getting their just credits for their talent) in game that might be interested in a conjoined project, please let me know.
And the final matter of buisness for the day is that I would like to welcome all of the new members to the group...I definately want to celebrate all the buzz currently about ~A.C.D.~ so be looking forward to an extra special xmas gift from me in the comming week.

A little more press..

A couple of things caught my eye this week...
Firstly, I'm very glad to see the new ~P.A.P.2~ collection getting a little press attention... being as that I'm incredibly proud of how this stuff turned out.

To read this article go to:

Secondly, these shots just look beautiful! I definately couldn't have showcased the Jingle Bells free jewellery any better myself.

To view this page go to: http://karlascorbal.wordpress.com/2008/12/03/rejudor/

And thirdly, It's always fun to see shots of the store or my creations on Flickr. And I'm putting this one up even if it's a dead give away for the globe, hehe.

To view this page go to:


Peace On Earth Hunt

Well the Peace On Earth Grid hunt began today, and much to my relief, I DID manage to relalize my vision and get my project put together on time. There was a point this past weekend when I was certain I wouldn't get it finished:(. Appearently I think too big, and wanted too much out of myself for the six or so days I had to work on it.. but it's my motto that anything worth doing outta be big and bold. And this was DEFINATELY worth doing.
I created two costumes; one male, one female. Both based on a Hungarian folk theme. I shamefully admit to spending a lot more time on the female costume. I did this for a few reasons... a) I mostly create designs for female avs... I like to be very detail oriented and it seems to me most men prefer simple. b) most of my customers are therefor female. c) I rather hate being in drag while I'm creating for men. And d) the costumes that inspired my creations were a lot simpler for the mens, and from the start, I knew if I was going to get done on time, I would have to give the female costume a whole lot more attention.
Anyways, the hunt is on, the goodies are out.. I hope y'all enjoy them.